NaTioNaL UniVersiTy of MaLaySia

NaTioNaL UniVersiTy of MaLaySia

world clock

Don't Laugh or will Whacked!!!

we all together

we all together

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I am a student at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. I prefer to study at night and in the morning. In my opinion, studying in the evening make me fee sleepy and tired. I live in a hostel on the university campus, so I like to study in my room. I prefer to study alone because when I am with my friends, we will chat and discuss other things. If my roomate makes noise, I will listen to songs bacause it makes me comfortable to study properly. Before studying, I will make a study plan every week to ensure my schedule is packed or not. But sometimes, I arrange my study plan by the day. My study time depends on my hours of lectures. For example 16 units I take for a semester, then I will cover my study in 16 hours per week. For the first time I study, I just read the whole chapter in a split second. After that, I will make notes as well as the simple notes while studying. Tihs makes me to remember the main points. On my creativity, I will make the notes beautiful and colourful. Before I start studying, I will make sure that I have enough rest,sleep and fresh. I will also start my study with prayer. To strengthen my memory, I will make a piece of notes and put it under my pillow before i go to sleep.


Prof. Khai said...

Assalam, Rabiatul..
i just wnt 2 know whether
is that gud or not for smeone especially
student, listen to the music during study?