NaTioNaL UniVersiTy of MaLaySia

NaTioNaL UniVersiTy of MaLaySia

world clock

Don't Laugh or will Whacked!!!

we all together

we all together

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I am a student at University Kebangsaan Malaysia and I study communication and Information Managment. After my classes at the Faculty, I like to study in the library. I like to study in the library because it is a quiet place to study and we can feel more comfortable study at library.
Besides that, I also like to study when I feel fresh and not tired because if I feel tired, I cannot give all of my attention in study.I also get plenty of exercise before I sleep. I always make notes when I study because it helps me to remember what I read. In a week, I study about eight hours. After that, I also can make revision for all topic that I study, At the beginning of every week I make a study plan for the whole week. It can help me to understand what I study. I just remember the main points about the topic and syllabus. Finally, I also will study with my patners. I can do a group discussion whit my friends because it can help me to change my opinion about our topic with my friends.